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Found Photos!

Writer: MrskrNZkryMrskrNZkry

We're living through some wild times right now [written March 2020 during worldwide voluntary quarantines due to the coronavirus outbreak]. While there are lots of negatives one could choose to focus on regarding the virus and the response to it, I choose today to focus on what I have found the most inspiring positive to come from the quarantines: art!

From professionals down to hobbyists and children, everyone seems to be getting into the creative flow when left to find their own entertainment. From the stand point of an art consumer it has been amazing - I've mainly been doing this on YouTube and Instagram. Our art Instagram page @mrskrnzkry has been particularly active recently posting to our stories section all the artists we've been following and loving lately! And from an artist's standpoint I've seen so many artist's I follow comment on the increase in shares and purchases they've been receiving during this time. I've certainly seen an increase in shares at least, but if you would like to check out either of our online store fronts both our print shop and our Etsy remain open at the date of posting!

I've spent the start of my quarantine cleaning and organizing my house. There were a few things I'd fallen behind on and I can never seem to get into an artistic groove unless my chores are done first. During my house cleaning I came across my camera in an odd spot where I had left it after the last time I'd used it in January! When I downloaded the photos from it last night I found that there were a few all the way back from November of last year even! They all fall into the category of nature/scenic photography. Hopefully these photos bring you some happiness and a taste of exploration from the comfort of your home!

As the quarantine continues I'm hoping to work more on the website, maybe finally start up that YouTube channel I have been dreaming of, or maybe even Twitch streaming. I know I'm hoping to live stream something, whether it's video games or art related we'll just have to see. I've also got a number of paintings in various stages of completion and a few canvas boards that just need frames in order to be ready to list so maybe we will even see some more art listings and possible an Instagram giveaway before all this is through! Be sure you're following us on Instagram @mrskrnzkry to stay up to date on all the latest and try to stay safe out there!


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