It's been a bit of a slow start to the year for me in both my online and my personal life. Art got put on the back burner in order for me to prioritize things like my on-going mental health treatment, my day job, paying bills, and re-titling my car after an inconvenient auto accident.
Now that I'm finding a new balance I'd like to get back into the swing of creating. I have projects in various states of preparation right now, listings just waiting to be photographed and uploaded, and even some new nature photography to edit. The key has just been finding the energy and motivation to pick back up again. I find my moods are so much better and my energy significantly higher on days when the sun is out and I can enjoy a bit of warmth. There have been a few days in the past week in the mid 50's with sun and I've been really trying to capitalize on those & keep the momentum going on the in between days.
Enough about me, let's talk about a bit of art. In a burst of energy earlier this month (or was it late January, I really couldn't say) I searched through my photo archives from last year and decided to release a new collection of six images called the New Year, New Art Collection. I chose photos from a trip that I took last summer to La Pine, Oregon with my partner, Zach, to spend time on a family property owned by my grandparents. Because I have such emotional connections to the area - I've been visiting there since I was in diapers - it was hard for me to chose just six photos that I felt captured best captured the essence of the place as I know it.
These images are available as art boards, greeting cards, tote bags and more! Not all images are available in all styles so take a look through the different parts of my shop to see what you can find! RedBubble's site lay out can be a bit confusing* so if you have any questions or can't find a print/item I'm happy to answer any queries on the MrskrNZkry FaceBook or Instagram pages!
Before starting this blog I checked to see what day I wanted this limited edition collection to be available till and my first thought was the spring equinox. However, that is on March 20th which is just a bit too soon, giving that I didn't announce the collection until half way through it's existence. So, I will be running these items until April 1st!
I won't make any grand promises about any other upcoming releases but do know that I'm working on getting things going now and am hoping to be posting more here on the blog as well as on our @MrskrNZkry Instagram page in the upcoming months as we move into spring!
Every ounce of support is greatly appreciated so if you've taken a few minutes out of your day to read this or support us in any way then I want to extend to you a very hearty thank you!
*Note: The biggest draw back to RedBubble is their site lay out. For example, if you click on one of the images above it will take you to a RedBubble page that has the image and the products available. But it doesn't actually show all the products available! All six photos are available for purchase on cotton tote bags, but to find them you have to click "Accessories" then "Tote Bags" in the side bar menu from my main artist page. It's a hassle and it definitely prevents people from being able to find or even knowing about certain products/styles. Overall, I've loved hosting my prints on RedBubble - it's easy for users to upload their images and receive their payments, I don't have to worry about order fulfillment, and the quality of the orders received seems to be quite good from the feedback I've been given - but I do think it's a pretty frustrating problem. For this reason I upload an album on our FaceBook page of all the product types/styles available for the limited edition collections and provide URLs directly to the item page. Be sure to check out our FaceBook if that's something you're interested in!
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