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Our 1st Sale + Free Shipping Cont.!

Writer: MrskrNZkryMrskrNZkry

We are incredibly excited to announce that we have made our first Etsy sale! I have sold online before via CraigsList and Depop but never before in the context of trying to

make a business, and going to the Post Office on Monday to drop off the package was very exciting!

It was also a bit of an "oops" moment when I ended up paying several cents more to ship the item than the amount it sold for! While I'm not trying to make a large profit margin, it's not practical for me to make none at all, and for that reason something needed to change.

You may have seen our FaceBook or Instagram posts regarding upcoming changes in shipping for the Etsy page. As you have more surely have seen from the title of this post we have decided to continue our free shipping policy for our own ease, as well as yours! Prices on some items - those that require large, odd-size, or fragile packaging - have been adjusted to more reflect this realization of actual prices. I have worked to maintain minimal costs for all items and would be more than willing to negotiate a lower price on an item/s for locals interested in local item pick-up.

In addition to these price changes, we have also added two lovely vintage listings and will have a number of hand-made, bone art items to be added over the next several days.

A final, small announcement: we have created a LinkTree for our Instagram page! We would like to merge our various storefronts together with our website in time, but that will require a few more sales. In the mean time, our LinkTree will serve as a place to direct people to our various sites without requiring me to change the URL multiple times a day and giving you time to explore our pages at your leisure!

As always, we thank you for your continued support!


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