Last night and today has been the official launch of MrskrNZkry (pronounced 'Mers-ker N Zachary') and we're so excited to have everything finally going live so we can share it with you all!
We've been talking about and planning this project since December of 2018 when we decided that we were over the traditional, by-the-books lifestyle we have been living. We envision a future for ourselves that (hopefully) doesn't include a 9-to-5 or city-living. We would love to work for ourselves, creating hand-made products for people to use and enjoy in their homes and lives. We are just now at the point of beginning to turn our backs and walk away from the lives we've known toward something all together different, and we want you to come along with us.
Between the two of us Zach is the more grounded planner and myself, I'm a bit more of a dreamer. We will get to my lofty ideas next, but first Zkry. While he certainly has plans for himself and the direction he'd like to take things moving forward, he probably won't be sharing many of them until we are closer to taking those steps and making larger changes. And, to be fair, Zach's ideas will likely involve more schooling or hands-on training before he's able to fully take off on his own.
I'm a "dream big and scale it back as necessary" type of person. Plus, a lot of the artistic avenues I'd like to pursue are ones that take little to no formal training and are things I've been practicing on and off for years already. I would like to earn a living creating hand-crafted, artisan products and goods, selling my photography services, and through things like this blog & YouTube. While many people specialize in one type of craft - and there's certainly nothing wrong with that - I'm interested in branching out into many art forms including but not limited to: drawing, coloring, digital art, painting, sewing, bone crafting, and small wood crafting projects. I also envision myself with a small farm & dairy - mainly for the purpose of subsistence but also to gather food products to sell such as eggs and milk. I even imagine a day when I can experiment with making my own cheeses, even though I'm lactose intolerant and could only ever taste very small samplings of them. Will all of these things happen? Perhaps not, but a girl can dream.
With those goals in mind we created MrskrNZkry as a way to share with the world our ideas & products and to take you with us as we begin the path to new adventures.
Currently you can find us on:
- and YouTube, though we have not posted any videos as of today.
We greatly appreciate your support in this venture and we hope you find enjoyment & education right along with us!